Babblings about Systems Administration.


How to share bookmarks within your department or company?

Maybe you even didn’t thought about this solution. Often wikis are used for this task. You have to visit an extra website to get to your final destination. Quite cumbersome if you ask me.

Back in the days we had a small solution for this: A homepage with a menu at the top and a second frame for the links. Problem with this: Some pages don’t like it to be in a frame and don’t work properly.

I took this concept to the next step and wrote a small cgi. Feel free to download and use it. You can configure it via a YAML. If you visit the cgi via your browser you will get the above mentioned 2 frames setup. Here comes the next level: Each menu has a link to an rss feed. That way you can use eg. Firefox live bookmarks and migrate these menus into your menu bar toolbar.

Talking about the cgi: I tried to keep it simple: XML::RSS and YAML::Tiny should be available as a package on your system.

You might also use git to get the source:

git clone http://git.bundesbrandschatzamt.de/bbabookmarks.git