Babblings about Systems Administration.


Even though i have to admit that git has a high learning curve it’s worth the time.

I started with the ProGIT book and use it today for a wide range:

Here is an example of a .gitconfig file for your homedirectory:

	name = Your Name
	email = your@emailaddress
	excludesfile = /home/uid/.gitignore_global
	tool = meld
	tool = meld
	ui = true
[diff "exif"]
	textconv = exiftool

And a recommendation for your .gitignore\_global:

# Compiled source #


# Packages #
# it's better to unpack these files and commit the raw source
# git has its own built in compression methods

# Logs and databases #

# OS generated files #

# editor generated backupstuff

If you really care about your data you should add theses lines to your config file of your repositories:

	fsckObjects = true

Even though it takes a couple of cpu cycles you can be sure that no data got mangled during the transfer.

It can be used like RCS in every directory. Just a git init and you are ready. Later you decide that you want to push it to a central repository. Your central repository is not reachable from your server? Don’t care! Use it the other way around and configure a cron job to pull this directory from your central server.

git can easily handle even huge repositories. One issue i haven’t figured yet is common with all other version control systems: Your ISP disconnects your connection after some hours of transfer and you have to start over. As git clone is only a wrapper around some other git commands I probably have to have a closer look to find a workaround.

Probably something like git pack-objects in conjunction with rsync.